
Your uniform and personal headset will be provided to you, so you are ready to join the league of professional pilots.

A professional pilot bag is ready and waiting for you including local charts, professional pilot’s devices and all the relevant text books.

You will start to study with other students and we will teach and guide you for each flight.  This will ensure maximum success at each leg and avoid repeating of flights at greater cost to you.

We will teach you the radio communication standards for aerodromes and controlled airspace to make your flight plan in the highest standard.

Your package includes support to you throughout the entire period of your study.  Our support ensures you achieve each milestone as efficiently as possible.  This saves you time and money on unnecessary extra flights.

Each student has unique ability to achieve their flight or theory milestones. Some students find they are weaker in one subject and stronger in another. We are here to support you to overcome your weaknesses and maximise your strengths. We support you on the ground and on the simulator to avoid more flights in the air that cost you more money and we work on your confidence as well.

Matthews Story
Matthew has nearly finished his PPL after spending $50,000 with a well known flight school. After spending $50,000 he has not quite finished his course.  He has been told he needs to spend another $5,000 to finish his license.  He feels he has no choice and has to spend another $5,000 on extra flights. After this, when he was very close to the flight test, his instructor recommends him to fly another two navigation flights, with each flight around 3 hours ($1,100 x 2 flights). Then pre-flight test (before the real flight test) his total extra 3 times navigation flight cost him $3,300 on top of the $5,000 extra that he spent already. 
Sound like a familiar story?
Many others have been there before.  We are here to save you. The flight schools we work with know that we are protecting the student’s interests, maximising your flight training. 
We are aware that some students pay more than $250,000 to get to CPL.  Some students pay $34,000 to fly and have not even flown an hour.  We have assisted them in getting their money back.
We guide you and make sure that you get the right training on the ground then on the air and you save a lot of money.